Armadillo-440 LCD Model Development Set
Startup Guide


1. Preface
1.1. Who Should Read This Document
1.2. Document Structure
1.3. Typographical Conventions
1.3.1. Fonts
1.3.2. Command Entry Examples
1.3.3. Icons
1.4. Acknowledgements
1.5. Safety Precautions
1.6. Handling Precautions
1.7. Software Usage Precautions
1.8. Trademarks
2. Before Getting Started
2.1. Layout Diagram
2.2. Preparation
2.3. Connections
2.3.1. microSD Insertion
2.4. Jumper Pin Configuration
2.5. Serial Console Software Configuration
3. Startup and Shutdown
3.1. Startup
3.2. Login
3.3. Shutdown Method
4. Function Tests
4.1. LED
4.2. Buttons
4.3. Touch Screen
4.4. Backlight
4.5. Sound
4.5.1. Playing Back Sound
4.5.2. Recording Sound
4.6. RTC (Real-Time Clock)
4.7. Stopping The Function Test Application From Starting
5. Network
5.1. Default Network Connection Mechanisms
5.1.1. DHCP Connections
5.1.2. Zeroconf Connections
5.2. Changing Network Configuration
5.2.1. Using a Web Browser to Change Network Configuration
5.2.2. Logging In to Change Network Configuration
5.2.3. Checking The Connection
5.3. Firewall
5.4. Network Applications
5.4.1. Telnet
5.4.2. FTP
5.4.3. SSH
5.4.4. Web Server
5.4.5. NTP Client
5.4.6. SMTP Client
5.4.7. at-cgi
5.5. Using Bonjour
5.5.1. Installing Bonjour
5.5.2. Operational Check
5.5.3. Bonjour Hostnames
6. Storage
6.1. Devices Which Can Be Used As Storage
6.2. Storage Initialization and Mounting
6.2.1. Disk Initialization
6.2.2. Filesystem Creation
6.2.3. Mounting
6.3. Operational Check
6.3.1. Writing Data
6.3.2. Checking Data
7. Sound
7.1. Sound Functionality With ALSA
7.1.1. Playing Back Sound
7.1.2. Recording
7.1.3. Changing Volume
8. Input Devices
8.1. evtest
8.2. swmgr
8.3. swmgr Example
9. Other Devices
9.1. LED
9.1.1. Activating and Deactivating LEDs
9.1.2. Using Triggers
9.2. GPIO
9.2.1. Changing I/O Direction
9.2.2. Obtaining Input Level
9.2.3. Configuring Input Level
9.3. RTC
9.3.1. Setting System Clock With date
9.3.2. Setting System Clock With NTP Client
9.3.3. Setting Hardware Clock
10. Boot Modes and Bootloader Functions
10.1. Boot Mode Selection
10.2. Linux Kernel Boot Option Configuration
10.2.1. Console Configuration
10.2.2. Specifying Image File To Boot
10.2.3. Other Boot Options
10.2.4. Boot Option Configuration Examples
10.3. Note On Bootloader Versions
11. Config Region - Configuration File Storage
11.1. Reading From The Config Region
11.2. Saving To The Config Region
11.3. Initializing The Config Region
12. Troubleshooting
12.1. The Armadillo Will Not Boot
12.2. The Armadillo Cannot Be Found With Bonjour
12.3. The Screen Does Not Display After Changing The Network Configuration


2.1. Layout Diagram
2.2. Connection Diagram
2.3. microSD Insertion Diagram
3.1. Boot Log
3.2. Shutdown Method
4.1. Function Tests - Menu
4.2. Function Tests - LEDs
4.3. Function Tests - Buttons
4.4. Function Tests - Touch Panel
4.5. Function Tests - Backlight
4.6. Function Tests - Sound
4.7. Function Tests - RTC
4.8. Stopping Automatic Startup
4.9. Starting Automatic Startup
5.1. Static IP Address Configuration
5.2. DHCP Configuration
5.3. DNS Server Configuration
5.4. Enabling Configuration
5.5. Ping Confirmation
5.6. iptables
5.7. telnet
5.8. ftp
5.9. Starting sshd
5.10. ssh
5.11. ntpclient
5.12. mail
5.14. AT Admin: Overview
5.15. AT Admin: System Username / Password Authorization
5.16. AT Admin: System - System Overview
5.17. AT Admin: System - Network
5.18. AT Admin: System - Network Update
5.19. AT Admin: System - Password
5.20. AT Admin: System - Firmware
5.21. AT Admin: System - Updating Firmware
5.22. AT Admin: System - Save & Load
5.23. AT Admin: System - Reload
5.24. AT Admin: System - Reboot
5.25. Internet Explorer Explorer Bar Configuration
5.26. "Bonjour" Explorer Bar
5.27. Web Server Top Page
6.1. Disk Initialization Method
6.2. Filesystem Creation
6.3. Mount Method
6.4. Writing Data To Storage
6.5. Writing Data To Storage
6.6. Storage Data Check
7.1. Playing Back Sound
7.2. Recording Sound
7.3. Checking Volumes
7.4. Changing Volume
8.1. evtest Command Format
8.2. swmgr Command Format
8.3. swmgr Example 1
8.4. swmgr Example 2
9.1. Turning LED5 On
9.2. Turning LED5 Off
9.3. Displaying LED5 State
9.4. Specifying timer As Trigger For LED3
9.5. Displaying LED3 Timer
9.6. Obtaining CON9_1 Input Level
9.7. Configuring CON9_2 Input Level
10.1. Linux Kernel Boot Option Clear
10.2. Console Designation
10.3. Boot Option Configuration Example 1
10.4. Boot Option Configuration Example 2
11.1. Reading From The Config Region
11.2. Saving To The Config Region
11.3. Config Region Initialization